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Keep On Rolling...

Tales, data and photos from the bike.


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Bike Post Office Photos...

Click on the photo to the left to check out the post offices I have biked to since 2005.  Arranged in alphabetical order, but 2023 are at the start (4).

Current count is 466 post offices.

Maine = 403; Massachusets = 2; New Hampshire = 35; New York = 6; Vermont = 20

Current bike notes...

Target towns for 2024 are South Casco, West Poland and one more not yet chosen.  Trying to cover all of Rte 11 is a goal after I did the stretch from Fort Kent to Patten. Just a few small sections left.  The biggest goal is to start climbing out of the abyss biking fell into.  Hope the physical maladies are left in the abyss.


Bike ride on June 29 cut short as a bear crossed in front of me on Stickney Hill Road.  Jo came and picked me up.  The bear crossed to the our side of the road (north side) on an uphill slope.  Were it a downhill I would have slid past it, but I only bike 7-10 mph pushing it on that section these days.  Did not want to chance it.  Photo will be posted on photos page soon.  Photo is from a further distance as I had to turn around and reclimb Stickney a bit to get cell servive.  Then remembered to take a photo.  I would be no good seeing Bigfoot because it would be gone before I remembered to take a photo.  It was not a cub. Was bigger than any German Sheppard dog I've ever seen.


Took day off work to set up biking around Sebago Lake to get West Poland and South Casco post offices along with that section or Rte 11.  That night off work was the Lewiston mass shooting. That threw out biking on Thursday as well as Friday with the search and high police presence in the area.  When Jo is pace car she is asked several times if she needs help.  It was not worth thinking of it that weekend. Hunting season starting usually has me not biking in the rural areas of Maine.  I considered Sunday biking after that but weather had not quite worked out.  Biking in the cold is still an issue on breathing.


Filled in gap from Concord, NH to Lee traffic circle. Whill filling in wall map I noticed I had not darkened a section of Rte 4 in Newington, NH I did in 2008.  Think I started the map in 2009. Need to check notes.  Map photo will be updated soon but might wait until I have done the ride around Sebago Lake which has the other two post offices in my target for the year.

I got three more post offices in NH on this ride. Will be posted soon. Even though just over 30 miles the ride was a bit tough due to health issues. It was truly a "where there's a will, there's a way" ride.

The real target for the year was to fill in the gap from Newbury, NH to the traffic circle in Lee, NH.  Having done this I can now say since I took biking back up in 2005 I have cover most of Maine and gotten as far as Saratoga Springs, NY.

Next year is Canada.

Not in condition for ride today but it was a neighborhood ride to get October on the board.


Bike post offices have the four post offices I got in July.  Biking is on hold for a bit. Strained forearm at work. Cannot bike any uphills.  I'm sure before month end I can get bike out and get some flat miles in.  I did this in September 2017 after broke ribs in bike fall.  Still do not want to enter a zero in the monthly grid.

Bike blog with photos will be updated soon.

It seems I will miss getting the bike odometer to 60,000 miles this year. However, not giving up for next year.


Maine Bike Maps updated.  The only roads added last year were a section of Rte 2A and a road from Saco to the west.


Weather made getting on the bike day 1 easier.  Decided to not set goals for each month of the year ahead of time but at the start of the month.  The only solid goal remains to not post a zero miles month.  I may go back to a bike blog format which makes me take a photo each ride.  If I do anything posted on this page will be moved over to that.  Bike map photo will be updated soon with the minor changes that were added in 2022.


Current odometer:  59,023.3

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Maine Bike Maps