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Learning to use new solar filter on my camera before the 4/8 eclipse.  Wanted this filter for long time, but eclipse nudged me to get it.  Even if we are cloudy for eclipse this photo shows what I wanted the filter for in the first place.

Note: two of the spots combined to eject a flare the day after the photo was taken. Aurora are possible around 3/24/24.

Eclipse progress slideshow movie. (posted to YouTube). Taken in Patten, Maine on April 8, 2024.

Click in photo to view. 2:54 long.

Click image to view some photos taken with Canon Rebel T6 camera w/ 50mm f1.4 lens

Tower photo is looking SOUTH!

In the photo grid on the page, the fourth row down, first photo is looking SSW.  The show was THAT bright. Most of my photos were 15 seconds or less exposure.  I made the mistake of not changing the ISO to 800 and these were shot at 100 speed.  These are close to what it looked like, but for once actual was better.  I may make a slideshow to post on YouTube so I can share more of theones I took.

Click image to view 5/10/24 aurora photos taken from iPhone 14.

Black bear crossed Stickney Hill Road in front of me on June 29, 2024 bike ride.  I went back up the hill to get cell reception to call for car ride before I realized I had not taken a photo.  Apple live photo allowed me to grab when bear turned again to go off the road.