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Liberty, Maine

weather data for 2023

Daily Data

High Temp              91.6° (6/1)

Low Temp              -18.1° (2/4)

Top Rain Storm         4.95" (4/30-5/2)

Top Snow Storm       12.25" (3/4)

High Wind Gust        70 mph (12/18)

Lowest Windchill       -42° (2/4)

High Dew Point         78.6° (7/17)     

Low Dew Point          -33.2° (2/4)

Barometer  High        1035.4mb (12/16)

Barometer  Low         979.1mb (10/21)

Precipitation Days    160 (does not include snow flurries)

2023 Averages

High Temp              55.59°

Low Temp               40.50°

Avg. Temp               48.05°

Precip.                     57.35”

Snow                       84.85”

High Wind Gust       15.32mph

Humidity                    73.26%

Dew Point                  38.86°

Degree Days           6594.60

Cooling Deg Days      407.25

Barometer            1012.60mb

Red= record high since 1998

Blue= record low since 1998

Difference from 2022

High Temp         -0.96°

Low Temp          +1.33°

Avg. Temp         +0.19°

Precip.               +16.16”

Snow                 +24.40”

High Gust          -1.87 mph

Humidity            +3.46%

Dew Point          +1.75°

Degree Days     -182.60

Cooling Days      -113.35

Barometer          -1.02mb

20 Year Avg.

High Temp      54.41°

Low Temp       38.04°

Avg. Temp       46.23°

Precip.             40.07”

Snow               86.59”

High Gust        19.63 mph

Humidity          71.76%

Dew Point        36.38°

Degree Days    7252.64

Cooling Days    399.40

Barometer        1012.67

(avg 1998-2017)

2023 vs. Average

High Temp     +1.18°

Low Temp     +2.46°

Avg. Temp     +1.82°

Precip.           +17.28”

Snow             -2.14”

High Gust      -4.31 mph

Humidity        +1.50%

Dew Point      +2.48°

Degree Days   -658.04

Cooling Days   +7.85

Barometer         -0.07mb

1998-2007 Avg.

High Temp      53.94°

Low Temp       37.75°

Avg. Temp       45.84°

Precip.             41.77”

Snow               78.59”

High Gust         20.25 mph

Humidity           71.69%

Dew Point         36.06°

Degree Days     7361.99

Cooling Days      373.74

Barometer (02-07)  1013.52mb

2023 Vs. Average

High Temp     +1.65°

Low Temp     +2.75°

Avg. Temp     +2.21°

Precip.           +15.58"

Snow             +5.86”

High Gust      -4.93 mph

Humidity        +1.62%

Dew Point      +2.80°

Degree Days    -767.39

Cooling Days    +33.51

Barometer        -1.15mb

2008-2017 Avg.

High Temp      54.89°

Low Temp       38.32°

Avg. Temp       46.61°

Precip.              38.36”

Snow                94.58”

High Gust         19.00 mph

Humidity           71.83%

Dew Point         36.70°

Degree Days     7143.29

Cooling Days         425.07

Barometer             1011.55mb

2022 Vs. Average

High Temp     +0.70°

Low Temp     +2.18°

Avg. Temp     +1.44°

Precip.           +18.99”

Snow             -10.13”

High Gust      -3.68 mph

Humidity        +1.53%

Dew Point      +2.16°

Degree Days    -548.69

Cooling Days    -17.82

Barometer        +1.05mb

2023 vs. First Decade

2023 vs. Second Decade

Decade comparisons below.

Third decade comparison does not include 2023. -Ev

2023 Temperature Notes:    

The year had 17 record high temps and seven record lows.

2023 had 22 days setting a record set for warmest low temps, and 11 records set for coldest high temps.

Put together there were 39 warm records set and 18 cold records set.

There was only one day that reached 90°

There were three days with temps below 0°.  Two of which where the record breaking cold snap on February 3 and 4.

Additional notes and charts on page 2

2023 rankings (out of 25):

High Temp:     8th

Low Temp:     1st

Avg Temp:          4th

Precip:          2nd

Snow:          15th

Wind:          26th

Humidity:          7th

Dew Point:     1st

Heat Deg Days:       24th

Cool Deg Days:    17th  

Barometer:     13th out of 23

2018-2022 Avg.

High Temp      55.42°

Low Temp       38.72°

Avg. Temp       47.07°

Precip.              37.99”

Snow                77.79”

High Gust         17.26 mph

Humidity           70.55%

Dew Point         36.64°

Degree Days     7047.90

Cooling Days         499.47

Barometer             1013.61mb

2022 Vs. Average

High Temp     +0.17°

Low Temp     +1.78°

Avg. Temp     +0.98°

Precip.           +19.36”

Snow             +6.66”

High Gust      -1.94 mph

Humidity        +2.71%

Dew Point      +2.22°

Degree Days    -453.30

Cooling Days   -92.22

Barometer        -1.01mb

2022 vs. Third Decade