
Weather Data

Last updated 7/15/24

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Liberty, Maine weather data for

July 23, 2024:

Avg. high   78.7°

Avg. low    62.2°

Record high  91.4° in 2022

Record low   54.2° in 2000

Avg. precipitation  0.12"

Top precip day was  0.79" in 2013

Avg. top wind gust  15.0mph

Record high is  25mph in 2014

Avg bar. pressure  1011.4mb

Record high bar   1025.1mb in 2018

Record low bar    1000.6mb in 2013

Avg dew point       60.8°

Record high DP    77.8° in 2002

Record low DP     39.1° in 2017

Avg humidity   75.3%

Record low humidity  31% in 1999


*Weather data since 1/1/1998

Season snowfall


(Highest to Lowest)

'14-'15    148.25"

'07-'08    135.90"

'00-'01    126.98"

'10-'11    125.10"

’17-’18    108.15"

’12-’13    100.70"

’18-’19      96.70"

’16-’17      93.65"

'08-'09      90.25"

’22-’23      86.25"

'01-'02      85.15"

’13-’14      82.95"

'06-'07      82.65"

'03-'04      78.75"

'98-'99      78.65"

'09-'10      78.45"

'02-'03      74.00"

’19-’20      73.85"

’11-’12      68.70"

’21-’22      65.70"

'99-'00      64.90"

’23-’24      60.60"

’20-’21      55.55"

'05-'06      50.35"

’15-’16      50.10"

'04-'05      44.77"

26 season average: 84.89"

Got a caterpillar body and a butterfly brain

-Jerry Cantrell in 'Spidebite'


Bike ride bear photos added to photos page.

**Record warm first 18 days of July at 74.88°.  July average temp is 69.5° over last 26 years.

News Center Maine reported the warmest start in any month for Portland.

Audiobook Notes

Last updated 7/6/24